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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 20:35:03
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Study on branding promotion strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises in Yunan province

Yunan,as a border province in Southwest China,borders on Some countries in Southeast Asia.With the development of economy and continuously expanding of foreign trade,small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in Yunan's economic development.
However,most enterprises do not pay attention to brand building,while some even have brands but not pay attention to their promotion and do not know how to use the brand to expand business development.Yunan Dalier Industrial Co., Ltd is a representative in so many small and medium-sized enterprises.As a regional brand and local enterprise,it exists many issues to be resolved.This paper analyzes the internal problems facing in the process of brand building and the impact of external environment on its brand building,with the status of brand building in small and medium-sized enterprises,and points out the strategies in f