急!请人帮帮我写8篇英文对话 每篇对话是三个人完成的 要求每篇对话交谈时间在2分钟就行 8个对话题目如下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 18:10:16
1 Imagine that you and your friend are free this coming weekend and are discussing what to do. Try to invite one to join you for the some activities, say, shopping, seeing a movie, eating out, visiting a museum. Your partner may accept or refuse your invitation and suggest his or her own plans. Fix a time for the activity.
2 The first time we do something can often leave a deep impression on us. Talk with a partner about your experience of some important “firsts” in your life, such as your first day at primary school, first English class the first day at college … …
3 College entrance examination has just ended. It is reported that about 840.000 senior high school students gave up college entrance examination this year. You two talk about college entrance examination.
4 Talk about the most valuable gift your mother (or your father) gave you and how you would repay your parents’ love.
5 One year’s college life makes you more and more in tune with the

A: Hi, B, what are you going to do this coming weekend?
B: Hi, A, I will be free, and what about you?
A: So will I. by the way, what is your plan for the day?
B: I have no idea. And you”
A: How about seeing a film?
B: That is a good idea. Look, There is C coming. Why don’t we invite him to join us?
A & B: Hello, C.
C: Hi, A and B, what were you discussing here?
B: A suggested going to see a film this weekend. Would you like to go with us?
C: Oh, sorry, I have arranged to visit the museum with D and E together. Some new ancient items are on display these days. Otherwise, the films for these week are old ones. Why don’t you go with us to the museum?
A & B: Great.
A: Would you like to recall the past?
B: Yes, I always remember my experience of the “firsts” in my childhood.
C: What were they?
B: For an example, I’ve never forgot the first day at primary school. When my mother sent me to the school,