
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 09:30:14
摘 要:【目的】 对BV唾液酸酶法诊断细菌性阴道病进行方法学评价,同时分析BV合并霉菌滴虫感染情况。【方法】取阴道分泌物216份标本,分别用BV唾液酸酶快速诊断法、传统Amsel标准参考方法检测、阴道分泌物悬液镜检进行检测。【结果】BV唾液酸酶检测的阳性率与Amsel 标准参考方法比较无统计学差异( P > 0.05) ,其灵敏性(93.9 %) 、特异度(97.4 %) 、正确指数(0.913) 均较高;BV合并滴虫感染的患者明显高于单纯滴虫感染患者,两者比较有统计学差异(P < 0.01)【结论】BV唾液酸酶检测方法与Amsel 标准参考方法比较,既准确又简便,值得在妇产科及门诊推广。
关键词 BV唾液酸酶快速诊断试剂盒;细菌性阴道病;Amsel 标准参考方法

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Abstract: 【Objective】 BV sialic acid enzymatic diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis evaluation method, while the combined analysis of BV infection of Trichomonas sp. 【Methods】 216 vaginal discharge samples were sialidase with BV rapid diagnostic method, the traditional methods of detection of standard reference Amsel, vaginal secretions suspension test examination. 【Results】 BV sialidase-positive rate of detection of standard reference methods Amsel no significant difference (P> 0.05), its sensitivity (93.9%), specificity (97.4%), the right index (0.913) are higher ; BV merged in patients with Trichomonas infection trichomonas infection was significantly higher than that in patients with simple, two more significant difference (P <0.01) 【Conclusion】 BV sialidase Amsel detection methods and standard reference methods, reliable and simple, worthy of promotion in obstetrics and gynecology, and out-patient.
Keywords sialidase BV rapid diagnostic kit; bacterial vaginosis; Amsel s