
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 19:07:51
因为我的雅思成绩一直没有达到你校的录取条件,所以我一直没有告诉研究生办我就接受了你们寄发给我的条件录取通知书.因为现在你们同意让我读10周pre-sessional English language courses, 所以我现在想知道研究生办是否还为我保存了该位置.既然我已经同意读你校的语言课程,我还需要按条件录取通知书上的要求支付500元的押金吗?

As my score of IELTS didn't reach the enrollment condition required by your university, so I accepted the notification letter of acceptance you sent to me by mail and didn't inform the office of post graduate. Now you agree to let me try the pre-sessional English language courses for ten weeks, so I hope to know whether the Office of post graduate has kept that vacancy for me? and as I have decided to choose the language course of your university, shall I still pay for the 500 (USD?) deposit according to the requirement on the notification letter?