
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 22:46:36


Commercial Houses


安居工程:Housing project for the low-income urban residents;

危房改造:the dilapidated house transforming;

动迁户: households to be relocated;

住宅小区:dwelling district;

住房公积金:public accumulation funds for housing;

住房补贴:housing subsidies;

住房零首期:zero first payment;

房产抵押:house mortgage; build property mortgage;

房产证: property right certification;

暂住证: the card of stay temporarily;

城市住房改革:urban housing reform;

城市规划:urban planning;

室内装修:interior decoration;

按揭: mortgage;

按揭贷款:mortgage loan;

期房: forward delivery housing;

商品房: commodity housing; commercial housing;

政策性住房:policy-related house; policy-based house;

福利分房:welfare-oriented public housing distribu