
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:32:40

The next day Israel, the Arab-Israeli war broke out, the Middle East has become the world's hot spots, its core is the question of Palestine. To 80 on behalf of the 20th century, the Middle East between the Arab-Israeli war broke out in five large-scale, as small-scale conflict, confrontation and terrorism is no more of their number, or even up to today can not stop. Obviously, war, conflict, confrontation and the direct consequences of terrorist activities on both sides have had a painful disaster, especially the Palestinian Arabs lost a lot of land, have become refugees, living in neighboring Arab countries or the world, the Second Before the Millennium displaced Jews were forced to the history of the tragedy and to reproduce today. So far, the Palestinian Arabs has been to rebuild their homes, the restoration of national independence struggle against the indomitable. Although the Palestinian Arabs in 1991 in Madrid and will conduct a comprehensive Middle East peace process af