
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 06:10:59


I’ve been using MSN for two years now. It has become a part of my everyday life without me realizing it. As soon as I arrive home, I turn on my computer and log onto MSN. It’s interesting how I can forget to do my homework but I will never forget logging in my MSN account.

I really don’t understand why some people feel so negatively towards msn. I find nothing wrong with it. MSN is just a tool that people use to communicate with each other, that is, if you don’t mind having your credit card number and password get stolen by some stranger. It’s no big deal anyways. You’ll just lose all the money you've earned from working at McDonald’s, and then you'll get frustrated at yourself for being such a gullible person. Also if you don't mind having your computer infected by some unknown virus after clicking on some links your friends sent you. Who can get a virus with all those formidable antivirus software around nowadays? There are only billions of