
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:21:02
JIM CASY是JODE家12口人之外的一个福音传教士。表面上,CASY不过是他那个时代可能产生的人物。这个按照美国农村特有的福音派传教会传统培养起来的牧师终于发现他的信仰令他失望,便放弃圣教,搭车与JODE一家同去加州,到穷苦人中传播他所信奉的爱的福音。他公开宣布:“我不认识什么人叫基督,我只懂得一些故事,我爱的就是人……我很想使他们幸福,所以我就把我认为可以使他们幸福的道理讲给他们听。”他宣传的幸福的道理就是“神圣的精神——人的精神。”在去加州途中,CASY目睹了同胞们遭受的苦难,逐渐产生了一种新的信仰——一种政治信仰。到达加州后,CASY为救JODE被捕入狱,出狱后又成为组织罢工斗争的激进分子。后来他虽死于当局的残害,但是JODE继承了他的反抗事业。实际上,JOHN STEINBECK是把 CASY作为现代基督式的人物来构思的。他姓名JIM CASY(JC)正好和JESUS CHRIST(JC)是一样的。在小说的实际生活中,JODE一家总是以CASY的说教作为行动指南,CASY 实际上起着导师的作用,这使人们自然联想到JESUS CHRIST和他的12个门徒,在GRAPES OF WRATH中,CASY放弃了基督教义,转而以人民的意志为意志,带领着那些流离失所的人们朝着那象征富足和希望的加州前进,最后为劳苦大众而献身。STEINBECK在此暗示,在现代,JESUS CHRIST在为人类服务时想必也是求助于政治上的激进主义的。

JIM CASY is 12 people JODE outside the home of a Christian missionary. The surface, CASY but his time may have the figures. The rural areas in accordance with the United States a unique tradition of Evangelical Missions Pastor nurtured belief was finally found his disappointment that he would give up圣教, a car with the same JODE to California, to the poor people he believes in the spread of the gospel of love. He publicly announced: "I do not know what kind of people called Christians, I just know some stories, I love that one ... ... I would like to make them happy, so I think I would be happy so that they tell them to listen to reason.

JIM CASY is 12 people JODE outside the home of a Christian missionary. The surface, CASY but his time may have the figures. The rural areas in accordance with the United States a unique tradition of Evangelical Missions Pastor nurtured belief was finally found his disappointment that he would give up圣教, a car with the same JODE to Californ