英语短文! 朋友们帮下忙!~~~~~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 14:42:30
世界无烟日(Non-smorking Day)那天,某学校对该校学生的调查,结果是90%never 3%often 7%sometimes 就此话题写一篇调查报告, 80单词左右!
要求: 1,对调查结果进行描述 2,表明自己的看法并提出建议 3,所写内容符合世界无烟日的主题 (主题应该就是不让吸烟那种把我也不知道)
提示词:do a survey about 谢谢!~

It was Non-smoking Day.On that day,a school did a survey about
their frequency of waves on smoking .About 90% students said they
have never smoked and 3% students smoked sometimes.It is a good news. To their surprise, 7% students smoked frequently.
In my opinion, students who study at school should never smoke.
Smoking is bad for our bodies. We must do our best to make our
world a Non-smoking world.

I'm agree the front of my answer's one !

gml7788 写的不错
不过 3%与7%弄反了