英语“Doherty was a policeman........."

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:02:33


Doherty was a policeman. He liked boiled ( 煮熟的 ) eggs. He often had one for breakfast. One morning in December, he was on duty on the road in his police car. At ten o’clock, he went into a small cafe by the roadside for breakfast. He ordered a boiled egg, a drink and a sandwich. When the waiter brought them to him, he found that the egg was not cooked enough. He looked around the cafe and saw a microwave oven ( 微波炉 ) on the table beside the wall. He decided to cook his egg a little longer. He put the egg inside the microwave oven and turned it on. He let the egg cook for one minute, then he took it out. He took the egg back to his table, picked up his spoon and pushed it into the egg.
Suddenly there was a loud explosion( 爆炸 ).For a moment, all the other people rushed to hide under the table in the café as they thought someone had thrown a bomb ( 炸弹 ) into the building. But when they saw Doherty’s face, they all laughed because he ha