
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 08:20:37
1.If you can make what the teachers teach in class_____,you'll make raipd progress.
A.you B.yours C.your D.you's
2.She has three good friends.One is a doctor;_____are teachers of Chinese.
A.another B.the other two C.other D.others
3.-Who is knocking at the door?
A.I'm Mary B.She's me C.He's me D.It's me.Mary
4.Nancy's maths study is better than_____in the class.
A.anyone else B.anyone's else's C.anyone else's D.anyone's else's
5._____should learn from_____.
A.All of us;them all B.All we;them all
C.We all;all them D.All of us;all them

1 B 你的东西 yours
2 B 剩下的两个
在一个范围内剩下的全部 other 前要加 the
也可以用 the others 如果是全部里剩下的一个 用 the other
3 D
4 C 记住 其他任何一人
5 A
we all =all of us