
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 04:04:04
公元2248年,外星人来到地球大气层表面与地球的保卫舰队展开了激烈的战斗…… 操作指南:方向键控制方向,A键射击、F键开启防护盾、E和R键特殊技能

2248 A.C, the Earth Fleet Security Team took a tough fight against the aliens coming to the surface of the Earth.....

Direction keys control the direction.
The (key) A controls shooting.
The (key) F opens the shield.
The (key) E & R controls special skills.

This is 2248 AD, aliens come to the surface of Earth atmosphere to engage in an intense battle with Earth's defense corps.

Control: Press arrow keys for direction, A to shoot, F to activate the shield, E and R to activate special skills.

In 2248 A.d. the aliens fly on the surface of the earth aerosphere to launch a fierce battle with the the defending fleets.THe directions for opreation:the direction key for the direction;A for shooting;B for turning on the defensive shield;E and R for the special tricks.

The year 2248, aliens came to the surface of the Earth's atmosphere and the Earth's defense fleet engaged in a fierce battle ... ... Instructi