
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 02:52:14
① 在涂装最后一遍面漆之前,须对所有钢结构安装节点及运输等原因造成的油漆脱落需进行机械除锈(露出金属光泽),并应清除结构表面的泥 砂、灰尘和油污等。在结构安装质量检查合格后进行涂装,涂装按涂装规范执行,采用的涂料应符合设计要求。
② 高强度螺栓安装完后,及时将连接板周围封闭除锈,再进行涂装。
③ 钢结构的最终涂装色标和涂装厚度,应符合设计要求及规范规定。


钢结构 Steel Structures
涂装防腐 Corrosion Protection and Coating
高强度螺栓 high strength bolts
涂装厚度 coating thickness
涂装色标coating color patch
设计要求 design requirements
规范规定: criterion, code(最常用), standard, regulation,
连接板 connecting panel
面漆surface lacquer 或者top coat
安装节点fixed node
(10)Site corrosion protection and coating of steel structures

① Before coating the last surface lacquer, all of the fallen lacquer of the steel structures caused by fixed nodes and transportation should be eliminated by machanical rust-elimination(showed metal luster), and the mud & sand, dust, and smear on the surface of structures also should be eliminated. Conduct coating acorrding to relative coating code after the check-up of the fixing quality of the structures is finished and considered as elig