weaken to 和black out 的含义

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 04:58:00
Typhoon Saomai, the strongest storm to strike China in 50 years, weakened to a tropical depression on Friday as it moved inland after killing at least 104 people, blacking out cities and wrecking more than 50,000 houses


台风桑美是在50 年内袭击中国的最强风暴, 在星期五对热带减弱,当在至少104 人死之后,它移向大陆时,涂掉城市并且使超过50,000所房子毁坏

weaken - become weaker
1. black out - obliterate or extinguish 2. black out - darken
3. black out - suppress by censorship as for political reasons
4. black out - lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma
1.涂掉 - 擦掉或者熄灭
2。 涂掉 - 弄黑
3.涂掉 - 通过作为由于政治原因的审查镇压
4.涂掉 - 由于增加票销售的出于整个国家的突然的traumad,失去意识。

weakened to 意为减弱为,被动作定语

black out
To cause a failure of electrical power in:
Storm damage blacked out much of the region.

blacking out和文中的 wrecking既然是并列的肯定意思相近,后者是摧毁的相近意思,停电!
weaken 是减弱