He wrote me a letter telling me that he would send of all the books i need

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 04:23:50
为什么这里的telling 不能换成 to tell

可以额。。。换成to tell 目的性更强些。。。语法这东西,是大家总结出来的。。。其实。。生活中,没这么多要求的。。。就像汉语。。。咱谁有系统的学过汉语语法啊。。。

If I know the technic of clone, I would clone my little dog passed 3 month ago.This little pets accompany with me through my bad days.When I feel disappointed I would talk to him, and he will wave his tail as if he can understand me. I miss him so much. So I wish I can clone my little dog.
