请大家帮我翻译一下下面的英文 谢谢大家!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 02:22:33
 根据往年的招聘经验以及对各高校生源表的收集分析,并根据客户需求和分析结果确定此次招聘项目的目标人群与目标院校。
 利用良好的沟通技巧与校方大使和老师保持长期合作关系,共同完成校园内部宣传工作,定期对其跟踪收集反馈。同时负责各地校园大使的薪酬计算与分配工作。
 按照项目的执行计划与各地同事共同完成全国不同城市宣讲会、笔试、面试活动的场地预定、物资配备、人员安排调整等组织工作。
 参与项目各个时期执行手册的撰写工作,与组内成员共同负责活动相关注意事项的提醒。

Responsible for the implementation of campus recruiting for Adobe, assisting the project manager for the implementation of the project quality, schedule and cost contro. I have a clear and profound understanding on specific processes of campus recruitment.
Main responsibilities and tasks:
Determining target population and target institutions for the recruitment project,based on past experience and the collection and analysis on new students in various colleges and universities tables, and customer needs and analysis result.
Using good communication skills to maintain long-term cooperation relationship with school ambassadors and teachers, completing the publicity work within the campus, following them to collecte feedback on a regular basis. Being responsible for all campus Ambassadors’ remuneration calculation and work distribution.
Completing organization work such as scheduling venue for lecture, written tests and interviews in different cities, allocatin