紧急 翻译高手进

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 18:21:35

Write 5 important things to you down a piece of paper. Anything you consider important. Then, we supose an accident occured and you have to abandon one of the 5 items. And then, another accident, take another one out of the four left ones until there's only one item.

To write down five things which are important to you on the paper, you can write anything as long as you think that is impottant.Then imgine that an accident happens,and you must give up one.Again,to imgine another accident happens,and to give up another one.To continue until there is only one left.

Write five things which is important for you , anything you think important.And now, if there was an accident, you have to give up one of the five things.And then, there also was an accident,you have to give up one of the four things, as things goes on, there is only one left.

write five important thing at a paper , anything that you think is important to you . if at this time a accident was happened ,