翻译高手请进来帮忙啊 急用

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:17:38
三、 活动回报:
1. 返回各个获奖品牌宣传广告等费用,折合人民币约87000元,其中包括:
A. 本次活动评选结果公布之日起的一年内,60个获奖品牌一起在《温州商报》上集中宣传展示,至少刊登6个彩色整版形象宣传广告(该广告规格为34.5厘米高,24厘米宽),折合返回每家企业广告费约2万元。

三、activity reports:
1. Returned to the various award-winning brand advertising and other expenses, equivalent to approximately RMB 87,000 yuan, including:
A. The event selection results from the date of the year, 60 award-winning brands together in the "Wenzhou Daily" show on the concentration of propaganda, at least six color full-page image of the published advertisements (the ad size 34.5 cm high, 24 cm W), equivalent to return to every company advertising fee of about 20,000 yuan.

三 、activity returns:
1. Back to the various award-winning brand advertising and other expenses, equivalent to approximately RMB 87,000 yuan, including:
A. This event selection results from the date of the year, 60 award-winning brands together in the "Wenzhou Daily" show on the concentration of propaganda, at least six color full-page image of the published advertisements (the ad size 34.5 cm high, 24 cm W),