
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:50:59
像 爱情左右,功夫之王,憨豆先生,超级宝宝,芭比公主,小女巫碧碧,哈里波特,十全九美,非常完美,深海寻人,麦兜,宝贝计划,神话,叶问...

1. 时态不要用错,前后要保持一致。
2. 词汇尽量用自己比较熟悉的,如果实在吃不准,就去查查字典,记住,手里一定要有一本英英词典,我不敢说英中词典对你一点用处没有,但是至少在语法和表达方式方面,英英词典有很好的示范能力。
3. 文章结构,其实英文写作业要用到我们平时语文学习的一部分知识,比如说总分总格式,总分段落,各种文体,比如说记叙文,议论文等等。
4. 最后写完一定要注意检查一下拼写,这是给你的一个忠告。

My Favorite Movie

Being a middle school student, frankly speaking, I do not have much more time spend on watching movie I like, but it can not be the barrier I enjoy it. Each weekend or after studying, I always ask my parents that if they allow me to watch a movie in which it will spend me one or one and a half hour. My favorite is a named "KONGFU PANDA". Not only the funnies story, but also the personality of all actors or actress, I love both of them. Every time I watch it, it will not feel tired any more, also I would like to see the movie with my parents, it makes our relationship more closerly.

I am a film fan because I have seen a lot of movies.Als