
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 00:39:29
球体关节人形(A ball-jointed doll )体型标准,细节精致,由于关键部位装有球型的关节,使人形能够做出许多接近于真人的姿势。而石膏、陶瓷、木材及塑胶等材料皆可以用来制作人形。因为人形的造价不斐,故收藏者多以成人为主。球体关节人形目前主要由东亚国家和地区(如中国、香港、韩国)生产。

日本从欧洲学习了关节原理,开始制作球体关节人形。早期都是手工创作,价格高昂[3]。1998年起,日本“造型村”公司开始使用价格较低廉的聚氨基甲酸乙酯树脂为材,量产名为“Super Dollfie”的球体关节人形,带动了收藏人形的风潮。Super Dollfie的出现刺激了市场,特别是在韩国,自2003年后,出现了许多制作球体关节人形的厂商。2005年以降,中国与香港等地亦有玩具厂商开始投入生产此类人形的行列。

谢谢 里面的人名 地名 也可不翻译。。 这要大体意思就可以了。希望语言能口语一点。。翻译器弹开!!!!!!!!!!

Ball joint humanoid (A ball-jointed doll) size standards, details of the fine, because key parts equipped with ball joints, shaped able to make a number of people live close to the position. The plaster, ceramic, wood and plastic and other materials are can be used to produce human form. Because a human cost is not Fiji, so collectors make more use of adult oriented. Ball joint humanoid is currently dominated by East Asian countries and regions (such as China, Hong Kong, South Korea) production.
As the name suggests is a type of doll joints are linked together by the spherical parts. It is precisely because there is such a unique structure that makes BJD more vivid display of richer movements and gestures. Coupled with contemporary tall doll BJD is mostly in the past (usually 43cm to 70cm or so), it makes the doll's shape a much larger space. BJD doll clothes can not only change, but also modify the make-up, swap hands and feet, hair, and even the eye ... so BJD right playe