
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:24:10
If you're feeling low and lost today
You're probably doing too much again

You spend all your hours just rushing ar
Do you have a little time
Do you have a little time for me?
Slow down my love you're confusing me

If you're feeling stressed just try call

You spend your time waiting for anyone t
o see
Do you have a little time
Do you have a little time for me?
If you should stop for a while
You will find me standing by
Over here at the side of your life

I'd like to hold you still, remind you o
f all you've missed
If you have a little time
If you have a little time that is

Why do you still run when you could walk
with me

Life will pass you by when you move this

What can you see when you're spinning ar
Do you have a little time
Do you have

If you're feeling low and lost today如果你今天感到失落迷失
You're probably doing too much again你或许做的有太多

You spend all your hours just rushing ar
ound 你花费所有的时间只是周遭的突破
Do you have a little time 你还有一点点时间吗
Do you have a little time for me? 你还有给我的时间吗
Slow down my love you're confusing me慢下来吧,我亲爱的,你让我困惑

If you're feeling stressed just try call
ing 如果你感到压力重重,那么就试着喊出来

You spend your time waiting for anyone t
o see你花费你所有的时间等待有人来看清楚

If you should stop for a while 如果你能停一小会
You will find me standing by 你会发现我一直都在你身边
Over here at the side of your life就在你的生活中

I'd like to hold you still, remind you o
f all you've missed 我喜欢你一直都在坚持,提醒你曾经错过的一切
If you have a little time 如果你还有一点点时间
If you have a little time that is
Why do you still run when you could walk 为什么还要从我身边跑走
with me 而你明明可以走过去

Life will pass you by when you move this
quickly 生活会从你身边