
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 16:38:42
12月12日考试,这个水平大概能到多少啊?短期内还能提高吗? 请高人指教啊!感激不尽啊~~
题目:Governments,instead of private companies,should be responsible for conducting scientific research.. To what extent do you agree?

Nowadays the issue that grovernments rather than private companies,should be responsible for conduting scientific research has become increasingly concemed privatly and publicly.In terms of my view,I totally agree with it.

The first and foremost reason is that governments have more budget as well as more fresh and up-to-date skills,and due to this fact they can lay a solid foundation for scientific research. What`s more, grovenments are more powerful than private companies to accelerate the flow of information and technical information.

In addition, doing scientific research demands a variety of people from different kinds of fields. For example, the scientists would do the high-skilled research and the ordinary workers would control the basic equipment or facilities. Thus,

Governments,instead of private companies,should be responsible for conducting scientific research.. To what extent do you agree?

Nowadays the issue that grovernments rather than private companies,should be responsible for conduting scientific research has become increasingly concemed (改为concerned)privatly and publicly.In terms of my view,I totally agree with it.

The first and foremost reason is that governments have more budget as well as more fresh (去掉,后面就能表达最新的意思)and up-to-date skills,and due to this fact(改为just because of his,你表达的有点牵强) they can lay a solid foundation for scientific reseach.What's more(改为:and then,和前面的the first and formost照应,并且和下面的in addition不重复), grovenments are more powerful than private companies to accelerate the flow of information and technical information.(有点重复,去掉technical information)

In addition, doing scientific research demands a variety of people from different kinds of fields. For example, the scientists would do t