
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 03:16:16
Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have just saved the rebel state from destruction by the mighty forces of King Galbatorix, cruel ruler of the Empire. Now Eragon must travel to Ellesméra, land of the elves, for further training in the skills of the Dragon Rider: magic and swordsmanship. Soon he is on the journey of a lifetime, his eyes open to awe-inspiring new places and people, his days filled with fresh adventure. But chaos and betrayal plague him at every turn, and nothing is what it seems. Before long, Eragon doesn’t know whom he can trust.

Meanwhile, his cousin Roran must fight a new battle–one that might put Eragon in even graver danger.

Will the king’s dark hand strangle all resistance? Eragon may not escape with even his life. . . .

阿拉甘和他的龙坐骑Saphira 刚刚把叛乱国家从帝国的统治者Galbotorix国王的铁骑队伍毁灭中拯救出来
现在阿拉甘为了学习对一个龙骑士来说至关重要技巧:魔法和剑法 ,他必须到 Ellesm'era去.而那里是精灵矮人的领土,在漫漫旅途上充满了惊心动魄的新地方和人,每天都是一次崭新的冒险.但阿拉甘却总是遇到混乱和背叛,因此不确定能信任谁.而此时,他的兄弟罗兰必须返回在Carvahal的家去打一场新的战斗-这使得阿拉甘面临着更大的危险.国王的魔掌能把所有的反抗都扼杀掉吗?阿拉甘自己的生命都可能在劫难逃,故事从这里展开了...

