
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 16:46:03
请帮我把以下这些话 翻译成有点诗意的。,
右眼一泪流下 ,我们感情结束了,我到成了不专一的人,一句话我的心彻底凉了

右眼一泪流下 ,我们感情结束了,我到成了不专一的人,一句话我的心彻底凉
A tiny drop of tear rolling down from the right eye
Mourns the ending of our love
Calling me a dandy
Brakes a tender heart.

With a drop of tear flow down from the right eye, our love is over, I turn out to be a playboy. Your word made my heart ice cold.

tears fell down from the right eye,
at this moment, I learn that
this relationship went to the end.
I became the non-single-minded guy,
which out of my mind
and broke my heart.