在线等!帮我查一下 application 在译为“应用程序”时是否可数?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 18:01:48

《英汉双解信息技术词典》上对于application作应用程序解时是这样写的:task which a computer performs or problem which a computer solves(as opposed to an operating system which is the way in which a computer works).
其中心语是task and problem,由此判断应该可数,虽然它几乎总是用作定语


1.(U)(C)The act of applying.应用,申请:应用、运用或擦敷的行为
Something applied, such as a cosmetic or curative agent 化妆品,药膏:敷用物,如化妆品或药膏

2.(U)(C)The act of putting something to a special use or purpose(实施:将某事物投入某种特殊使用或目的的行为):
an application of a new method 新方法的实施

3..(U)(C)A specific use to which something is put(
the application of science to industry 在工业上对科学的应用

4.(U)The capacity of being usable; relevance(实用性;适用性):
Geometry has practical application in aviation and navigation 几何学在航空和航海中有其实用性

5.(U)Close attention; diligence(专注;勤奋):
shows application to her work.See Synonyms at effort 她工作勤奋

6.(C)A request, as for assistance, employment, or admission to a