
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:13:21



嗯,的确很诡异,原文这里是"Originally from Mattawamkeag, Maine, he said," continued McCarthy,"and he wouldn't stand for no knockin' the place.翻译成“他不愿再忍受不敲掉那个鬼地方”,敲指什么?指战争?我怀疑翻译者自己也没弄懂这句话。
我的个人看法是怀疑这个no knockin’是欧亨利写作时代的一种习语和双关语,因为欧亨利爱用双关语。但现在还在用的就是knockin'指敲门,所以我不知道这个双关语在那个时代到底是什么意思,我猜是no knockin'指未敲门而入,引申为无礼貌,即他不能忍受任何对故乡的无礼评论。

The phrase "no knockin' the place" is a slang expression meaning "no criticizing the place". The joke at the end of the story is that the "cosmopolite" who has spent the whole time bragging how cosmopolitan he is (meaning that he does not have preferences for one place over another) is revealed to be as parochial as anyone else when his hometown is mentioned. We may have thought of him just a pompous windbag previously, but he is now revealed as a hypocrite who mistakenly thought he was above what is implied to be a universal human bias.
credits to Michael Leslie from Quora