
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 16:55:28
office greeting
Although corporate cultures rary from business to business and even from region,the exchange of daily greeting is a ritual everywhere ,Co-workers usually say hello first in the morning and then simply smile when they pass each other the rest of the day .No more verbal greeting is called for,and no one should take offense when a colleague doesn't stop to chat.It is considered rude,though,not to acknowledge fellow workers when you see them,even if it is for the fifteenth time in one day. You can nod or smile,but don't look the other way when you see someone.

office greeting
Although corporate cultures rary from business to business and even from region,the exchange of daily greeting is a ritual everywhere ,Co-workers usually say hello first in the morning and then simply smile when they pass each other the rest of the day .No more verbal greeting is called for,and no one should take offense when a colleague doesn't stop to chat.It is considered rude,though,not to acknowledge fellow workers when you see them,even if it is for the fifteenth time in one day. You can nod or smile,but don't look the other way when you see someone.


