上门收款 英语怎么说

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 11:16:45

take the door for money

1.(登门) come or go to see sb.; call; drop in; visit: 上门服务 come knocking at sb.'s door to offer one's service; make house calls; 上门取经 go to (the factory) to learn from sb.'s experiences; visit and learn from; 上门送货 deliver goods to the doorstep; 上门送药 send medicine to sb.'s door [house]; 上门讨[逼]债 remain at someone's to demand payment of debt; 上门迎亲。 The bridegroom goes to the bride's home to escort her to the wedding.

door to charge

这个问题很简单,上门收款只有一种固定搭配就是:check out

收款:make collections,上门收款:drop in to make collections.