
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 23:23:30
摘要: 接受美学理论产生于20世纪60年代,是一种影响深远的美学理论。它为我们研究《基督山伯爵》的接受提供了可供借鉴的思想和角度。《基督山伯爵》是法国作家大仲马最优秀最著名的代表作之一,一个半世纪以来广为流传。它作为一部通俗小说,它的创作满足了社会和读者的期待视野,满足了社会和读者对美的事物的再生产的要求,巩固了社会和读者心中所熟悉的情感等。社会和读者对作品的接受过程即是构建其审美情趣的过程,也是其流传的原因。笔者以期待视野的理论就作品的社会期待与接受和读者期待与接受两个方面进行分析。就社会的期待和接受方面,首先分析社会对通俗文学的期待和接受,即社会的期待和通俗文学的产生;其次分析当时的社会状况和作品的接受,即作品产生时的社会概况以及作品表现的思想情感在社会上引起的共鸣,指出作品满足了社会的期待及既有的审美习惯。就读者的期待和接受方面,从作品的情节、人物和表现的情感三方面分析作品满足的读者的期待视野以及读者既有的审美习惯、审美心理,进而指出读者对作品的接受及作品的流传原因。
关键词:《基督山伯爵》 期待视野 接受

Abstract: Accepts esthetics theory to produce to the 20th century60's, is one kind of influence profound esthetics theory. It studies"Christ Mountain Count" for us accepts provides has been possible to supply the model the thought and the angle. Since "Christ Mountain Count" has been one of French writer dumaspere most outstanding most famous representative works, a half century widely spreads. It took a popular novel, its creation has satisfied social and reader's anticipation field of vision, has satisfied the society and the reader to the beautiful thing reproduction request, has consolidated theemotion which social and in the reader heart is familiar with and soon. The society and the reader accepts the process to the work isconstructs its esthetic appeal the process, also is the reason whichit spreads. The author anticipated the field of vision the theory onthe work society anticipated with accepts with the reader anticipated with accepts two aspects