
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 19:44:47
ASP是Active Server Page的缩写,意为“活动服务器网页”。从字面上说,ASP包含三方面含义:
2、Server:ASP运行在服务器端。这样就不必担心浏览器是否支持ASP所使用的编程语言。ASP的编程语言可以是VBSCRIPT和 JSCRIPT。VBSCRIPT是VB的一个简集,会VB的人可以很方便的快速上手。然而Netscape浏览器不支持客户端的VBSCRIPT,所以最好不要在客户端使用VBSCRIPT。而在服务器端,则无需考虑浏览器的支持问题。Netscape浏览器也可以正常显示ASP页面。

ASP Active Server Page is the acronym meaning of the "web server." Literally, ASP included three meanings : 1, Active : ASP uses Microsoft's ActiveX technology. ActiveX (COM) technology is now an important Microsoft software foundation. It uses Packaging targets, procedures calling object technology, simplified programming, strengthen procedures for intergovernmental cooperation. ASP itself Packaging some basic parts and components used, many companies have developed a lot of useful components. As long as the server you can install these components, visit components, you can quickly and Easy to set up their own Web application. 2, Server:ASP running on the server. This would not have to worry about whether to support the browser used by the ASP programming language. ASP programming language can be Camera and JSCRIPT. Camera VB is a simple set of VB will be very convenient, rapid handcuffed. However, Netscape does not support client Camera, Browser it's best not to