
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:28:15
摘要:近年来,随着Internet的蓬勃发展,电子商务也在迅速崛起。电子商务是利用Internet 提供的信息网络在网上进行的商务活动。由于电子商务所依托的Internet的全球性和开放性,电子商务的影响将是全面的,而且在宏观上影响到国际贸易关系和国家未来竞争力。作为快速发展中的中国,已经错过了多次发展机遇,我们再也不能坐失良机而应该应对挑战抓住电子商务发展带来的商机,为二十一世纪日益激烈的全球化竞争作好人才、技术准备和经营观念转变.本文阐述电子商务涵义、我国电子商务发展、电子商务所采取的对策等

In recent years, with the vigorous development of Internet, e-commerce is rapidly rising. E-commerce is the use of the Internet to provide online information network in the business. As e-commerce rely on the Internet to its global nature and its openness, the impact of e-commerce will be comprehensive, and the macro impact on international trade relations and the country's future competitiveness. As the rapid development of China, has already missed a number of opportunities for development, We can no longer afford to miss this golden opportunity and should seize deal with the challenges brought about by the development of e-commerce opportunities, for the 21st century increasingly fierce global competition ready talent, technical preparations and operating concepts. This paper describes meaning of e-commerce, China's e-commerce development, E-commerce has taken countermeasures
