
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:32:02
因此本人结合单位图书借阅的要求,对Visual Basic数据库管理系统、SQL语言、VB应用程序设计进行了较深入的学习和应用,主要完成对图书管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。本文所设计的图书管理系统可以满足借阅者、工作人员和管理员三方面的需要。三个模块分别为图书管理人员维护管理模块;图书工作人员借还管理模块;借阅者查询管理模块。本文首先分析了图书管理信息系统的应用需求,按照数据库设计理论一步一步地给出了系统需求说明书、局部ER图、全局ER图、系统关系模式,子模式,建立了数据库.然后进行了具体的程序设计,实现了数据库表的浏览,记录的添加、删除和修改,报表的生成,实现了多数据库表的连接操作,实现了条件查询和模糊查询,并灵活实现了对不可更新查询结果集的更新操作,实现了主从表操作,实现了密码维护功能,设计充分利用Visual FoxPro数据库技术的强大力量,提高了编程效率和可靠性。
数据库,SQL语言,Visual Basic,数据库组件,图书管理。

TheAssociationfortheAdvancementofCostEngineering, is called AACE, proposed the goal "the comprehensive project construction cost management" (ThroughTotalCostManagement), it pointed out "in under the competition environment which current intensifies day by day, the comprehensive construction cost management principle and the practice manifests the benefit is the trade and the company cared about and needs." In US, government program investment control main basis authorization budget. Its investment and the budget determination main dependence project construction cost material has carried on the estimate. Carries on in the project implementation incurs bids, by the contractor quoted price, the related construction cost budget work consistent request carries on for construction cost engineer. In quite perfect construction market and under intermediary organization service condition, project price by market fixed price, but construction cost engineer carries on the