
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 00:28:03
1. A closely related body of research
2. unregulated
3.Feroz and Wilson's study represents a further step in the assessment of the effect of the quality of financial disclosure on the determination of the financing costs of municipalities.
4. the market the instrument trades in
5.a significant negative association 可否翻为:明显的反比关系?

1. 一个密切相关性的研究2. 无3.feroz和威尔逊的研究,迈出了重要的一步评估的效果质量金融 披露对测定的筹资成本成倍增加. 4. 市场工具行业5.a重大负面协会