
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 21:27:49
we have a client interested to buy SPUNBONDED POLYPROPYLENE OF 1.25 Oz. WHITE COLOR. This is a fabric used to cover the bottom of the furniture such chairs, sofas, cushion, we believe you might know this.
Our client is interested to buy 1x40Ft container of this product on the following sizes:
40" X 500Yds.
60" X 500 Yds.
80" X 500 Yds.
100" x 500 Yds.

我们让一个客户感兴趣买1.25 盎司SPUNBONDED 聚丙烯。 白色颜色。 这是织品被使用报道家具的底部这样椅子, 沙发, 坐垫, 我们相信您也许知道这。 我们的客户是感兴趣买1x40Ft 容器这个产品在以下大小:40"X 500Yds 。60"X 500 Yds 。80"X 500 Yds 。100"年x 500 Yds 。