
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:14:34
目前,在中国经济迅猛发展的推动下,旅游业发展也是如火如荼,特别是国家对绿色经济和可持续发展的日益重视,旅游业以它低耗高产的特点也越来越受重视。而地处西部的西昌也同样重视旅游业的发展。虽然西部的地理位置使西昌有了良好的自然旅游资源和得天独厚的天气,但是西部不便的交通情况以其较为落后得信息传播能力也使西昌良好的旅游资源不为人知,所以在西部大开发春风的吹拂下,西昌如何迅速的发展旅游,设计的城市旅游形象能被人们迅速接受认可,并且能很快记住就显得尤为重要。本文立足于西昌在城市旅游形象设计中的一些情况和方面进行分析,力图用城市旅游与品牌的一般理论来解决一些西昌城市旅游形象设计过程中的一些问题,提出一些建议,主要运用SWOT分析来对西昌旅游现状进行分析,并且运用理念识别系统MIS(Mind Identity System)设计方法对西昌旅游形象进行设计,希望西昌通过自身对城市旅游品牌的精心打造,对增强西昌城市旅游乃至于整个城市的竞争力。

At present, China's rapid economic development efforts, the development of tourism is in full swing. In particular, the state of the green economy and sustainable development of the growing importance that Tourism to its low consumption of high-yield characteristics have been increasing. And is located in the western part of the Xichang also emphasized the importance of tourism development. Although the location so that the western Xichang have a good natural tourist resources and its unique weather, But the inconvenience of traffic west of the more backward in their information dissemination capacity to make good Xichang tourism resources unknown, So in the spring development of the western region under the sway, Xichang how quickly the development of tourism, Design of the city tourism image can be quickly accepted people recognized, and it will soon remember it is particularly important. In this paper, based on the Xichang city tourism image design and some of the aspects of