
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 05:31:31
首先那首歌比较长,大概六七分钟。女声,英语。听到的时候是在2005年六月,在重庆一个交通广播台,具体台名不清楚。DJ说歌名叫《GOODBYE ANGELINA》,就是《再见,安吉丽娜》。回来找了很久都没找到。DJ的介绍中说,这是美国一个女歌手唱的,这个女歌手参加了很多美国的音乐选秀比赛,好像这是她在参加某比赛时唱的歌。回来我一直在找,朋友就提醒说说不定这是那个人自己原创的,没有正式发表过的,但是音乐台里播放的像是正规的MP3。
歌词,我只记得住一句半,也是这歌的主旋律:“Goodbye Angelina,the sky is……”曲调非常安静。

Farewell Angelina

The bells of the crown
Are being stolen by bandits
I must follow the sound
The triangle tingles
And the trumpet play slow
Farewell Angelina
The sky is on fire
And I must go.

There's no need for anger
There's no need for blame
There's nothing to prove
Ev'rything's still the same
Just a table standing empty
By the edge of the sea
Farewell Angelina
The sky is trembling
And I must leave.

The jacks and queens
Have forsaked the courtyard
Fifty-two gypsies
Now file past the guards
In the space where the deuce
And the ace once ran wild
Farewell Angelina
The sky is folding
I'll see you in a while.

See the cross-eyed pirates sitting
Perched in the sun
Shooting tin cans
With a sawed-off shotgun
And the neighbors they clap
And they cheer wit