谁告诉我网球王子里面越前龙马唱的BETWEEN YOU & ME的歌词是什么

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 11:53:21

You can call it what you want
But I'm not playing games
We're both apart of the same story
Not on the same page
And I see you standing there
With that dirty little stare
Well it freaks me out inside
So maybe you should just beware

between you & me ~ここだけの话~

歌: 越前リョーマ (声优: 皆川纯子)
Guest: 竜崎桜乃, 越前南次郎, 竜崎スミレ (声优: 高桥美佳子, 松山鹰志, 尾小平志津香)

between you & me ~ここだけの话~

Baby, between you & me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, babyx2 boy
He taught tennis to her.
one day, two day, three day
hit a ball Nice shot!

あまりにヘタクソな奴 発见

Baby, between you & me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, babyx2 boy
He taught tennis to her.
one day, two day, three day
hit a ball Nice shot!

やる気だけは うん 认めるけれど

Baby, between you & me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, ba