
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 02:09:50



A father and his son saw a very luxurious imported car .The son said scornfully:"A man who owns such a car must have little knowledge in his mind." The father responded lightly :"A man who says such words must have little money in his poket."

不知道这样翻译行不行?呵呵 祝你好运!

See a father and son duo is the import of luxury cars. Son disgust of his father, said : "When this car, Meiweihuawen certain stomach! "My father is casually replied :" that kind of talk. pocket some money! "
- your views on the matter, does not it truly reflects your inner attitude?
大哥 不至于用 GOOGLE给人家翻译吧 人家是专业的啊 .

See a father and son duo is the import of luxury cars. Son disgust of his father, said : "When this car, Meiweihuawen certain stomach! "My father is casually replied :" that kind of talk. pocket some money! "
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