
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:26:26
拜托了别错了哦我的人生很乱, 我说不清也道不明。 朋友最近说我变了变的懂事了,成熟了,温柔了,其实她们是不了解。我觉得我现在的情况是胆怯,是害怕,是自卑,是无助。早上起来怕见到阳光,晚上睡觉怕黑暗。所以我的房间里永远都是拉着窗帘开着电灯的。我在黑夜与白天中挣扎,在胆怯和勇敢中长大。我不明白我在怕什么,也不清楚自己在垛什么。所有的事情都不愿意多想,所有的想法都抛到脑后。我有时候感觉到自己的懦弱,但我还是不想去想太多,我怕我想的太多自己承受不住,我怕我想的明白自己完成不了,我怕有人对我有所期待,我怕让人对我失望。胆怯告诉我说;别想太多,你会受不了的。勇敢告诉我说;勇敢点去做需要你的事情。我不知道自己到底在怕什么,我也不知道我应该去那找原因。所以我就待在宿舍看书,看杂志。看到眼睛发困然后睡觉。我知道自己这样很懦弱胆小甚至有时候会看不起自己。但是我觉得我真的好无助,我似乎感觉我需要一个人的肩膀,但是又不想和那人说太多。所以到最后还是活在自己的世界里,让孤独寂寞带着我走、、、走到一个世界的另一个角落里

Asked oh my life very to be don't mistakenly chaotic, I did not talkclearly also say unclearly. The friend recently said I have changedsensible, mature, has been gentle, actually they did not understand. Ithought I now the situation is timid, is the fear, is feels inferior,is not helps. Early morning gets up feared sees the sunlight, eveningsleeps fears darkness. Therefore in my room forever all pulls thewindow blind to operate the electric lamp. I struggle in the darknight and the daytime, in timid and is brave grows up. I did notunderstand I am fearing any, also not clear own are piling up any. Allmatters all are not willing to think much that, all ideas all throwafter the brain. My some times feel own spiritless, but I or do notwant to go want too many, I feared I thought too many own withstand, Ifeared I want understood oneself could not complete, I feared somepeople had the anticipation to me, I feared let the person bedisappointed to me. Timidly tells me to say; Do not wan