
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:22:12
4. The Buyers Bank will issue the RWA within 7 working days after the electronic exchange of the contract and the Draft of the two Letter of Credits for Sellers verification that the swift matches the contract terms and the first non operative letter of credit valid of 3+4 months. The Buyers bank provides the first non operative Letter of Credit to the Sellers Bank.

Payment under this documentary credit for each of the 6 shipments is due on sight of XX/XXX/XXXX Commercial Invoice and Clean On Board Bill of Lading and shall be made at the counters of the Confirming Bank. We further affirm that this documentary letter of credit, is irrevocable and shall remain active for the respective 3 months +4 months, with a total credit availability of $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxUS Dollars.

8.7 For the proper performance of the contract and counter guarantee of the Buyers valid Letter of Credit, the Seller's bank will issue, before the issue of the letter of credit, naming the buy

4 。买家央行将发行风险加权资产在7个工作日之后,电子交换合同草案的两个字母的学分卖家核查迅速火柴合同条款,并首次非手术信用证有效期3 +4个月。买方银行提供了第一个非手术的信用证,以卖方银行。

金根据本信用证为每600出货,是因为对视线的× × /三十/ xxxx的商业发票和清洁船上的提单,并应在柜台的保兑银行。我们进一步申明这纪录片信用证的,是不可改变的,并应保持活跃,为各自三月四月,总信贷供应元xxxxxxxxxxxxxxus美元。

8.7为妥善履行合同和反担保的买家有效的信用证,卖方银行将问题时,才发出的信用证,命名买方为受益人的履约保证金数额2 %的在3个月合同价值等于美元676800美元与有效性, 12 ( 12 ) + 3个月,案件一拖再拖。履约保证金将被激活文书立即从日期接收该信用证收到了来自买家的银行。
8.2买方的银行将发出直接经迅速不得迟于7 ( 7 )个工作日内后,电子交换了双方签署的合同,银行票据付款的保证:一个准备,愿意和能够信,并于买家银行信笺(风险加权资产)签署了两行人员的名单列于附件5 。连同第一期非手术信用证有效期3 ( 3 ) + 4个月,并同时通知卖方的银行,其发行在他的恩赐。
普普为合同总数量和百分之二铅所提供的卖方将自动启动信用证,根据该风险加权资产及条款所预见,在附件1 。第一信用证应在每次美元的赔偿xxxxxxxx ,有效期为3 + 4个月,随着金分为船舶,为船舶。
8.3买方确认发出不得迟于7 ( 7 )个工作日内后,介绍该船务文件,为最后一批2个月,由卖方在卖方银行的一个不可改变的,充分的资金,旋转,无限制,未使用,信用证的自动循环为第四至最后一个月的合同,涵盖未来9个月内与各60,000 /吨产品数量,并按月价值美元11,280.000 ( 11280000单位:美元) ,总价值为101,520.000美元向卖方银行。