
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 19:24:20
We learned how far up he's come on New Year's Day when every Chinese newspaper heralded a 6000-word speech in which Deng signaled the end of thousands of years of Chinese xenophobia.
It may eventually come to be regarded the most important speech of the century.For in it,the Maximum Leader of the nation that comprises one-fourth of mankind served notice that China is joining the rest of the world(save Albania)in the 20th century.
"No country can develop by closeing its door,"said Deng."We suffered from this,and our forefathers suffered from this."Reversing thousands of years of official hostility to tue world outside the Great Wall,Deng said simply:"Isolation landed China in poverty,backwardness and ignorance.
This startling admission contradicts thousands of years of Chinese policy,going back beyond the Ming Dynasty to the Chin(Qin)Dynasty,when wall was erected to keep barbarians on horseback out in the wilds where they belo

它有可能最终来被视为最重要讲话的century.for在它后,最高领导人的民族组成的四份之一的人类送达公告说,中国正在进入世界其余国家(除阿尔巴尼亚) ,在20世纪。
"没有哪个国家能大大发展closeing其门,说: "邓。 "我们遭受了来自这一点,我们的祖先遭受这一"扭转了几千年来的敌意正式向世界周二外长城,邓小平说,简单地说: "孤立降落中国贫穷,落后和愚昧。
邓小平的信息:不要放弃马克思主义,但采用资本主义的想法,他们理解-"它不能伤害我们。 "经济改革,由较年轻的领导人,是唯一最重要的堡垒,为国家的安全,因为只有随着经济实力可以炸弹,导弹和飞机,可以购买。