
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 20:01:02
The mortgage conduit can be an independent firm that purchases the mortgages from originators, or the conduit and the originator may be the same firm.

A special problem arises when the mortgage borrowers are late in making their payments, or when the borrowers default on all payments. Although in principal the risk of late payment or default could also be passed through to the investors, in practice most mortgage securities are designed to make this
a highly unlikely event. We next consider the common measures taken to eliminate default risk.

3.B Measures to Eliminate Default Risk on Residential Mortgage Securities
Investors in mortgage securities face a moral hazard, namely that the conduit firm creating the security would place high risk mortgages in the pool. To protect against this possibility, most residential mortgage securities provide investors with nearly complete protection against losses
created by default. This has been a


