
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 01:51:05


The Italian market of very aging of the population, in recent years its domestic family situation also made some changes in the distribution of population and the level of consumption inequality. The Italian recent economic data analysis, their purchasing power and the level of competitiveness has declined, but in recent months the consumer confidence index has rebounded. Italian location in which to transport, and Italy is focus on environmental protection, and its pleasant climate in the tourism industry more developed, but its need to import large quantities of resource-poor. Italy's many political and legal policies to encourage foreign enterprises in their investment, and very Italian-oriented scientific and technological development. Italy's social welfare good, language single, barrier-free communication. Based on the analysis of these macroeconomic environment, the general understanding of the Italian consumer market. Consumers turn to cultural factors, personal fact