
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/13 09:15:41
It’s a London thing! – ICEi preview: Boss Media
The social aspect of a trade show such as ICEi has always been prominent and Boss Media is looking forward to shaking hands with clients, prospects and representatives at this year’s event.

Eric Matsg?rd, vice president products at Boss Media, says the company has been focusing “on developing products and solutions to give our clients more business freedom and independence” and ICEi will see the official launch of Boss Media’s Gaming Management System (GMS).

Matsg?rd says: “GMS gives clients full control over all areas of their remote gaming operations. GMS grants the operator increased flexibility by integrating diverse game applications and systems, and gives players the convenience of using a single wagering account to enjoy all the games and betting opportunities an operator has to offer.”

Another Boss product to increase operator flexibility is its Games Development Kit. “This kit gives the

这是伦敦回事! -i cei预览:媒体老板

李家祥matsg ?路,副总统的产品在老板媒体说,该公司一直注重" ,对发展中国家的产品和解决方案给我们的客户更多的商业自由和独立" ,并icei将看到的正式启动老板媒体的博彩管理系统(大湄公河次区域) 。

matsg ?路说: "大湄公河次区域,让客户充分控制权的所有领域偏远游戏业务。大湄公河次区域赠款经营,增加灵活性通过整合多种游戏应用和系统,并给出了玩家方便的使用一个单一的投注户口,以享有所有游戏及博彩的机会,经营者必须提供的" 。

另一个老板的产品,以增加运营商的灵活性是它的游戏开发工具包。 "这个工具包,让营办商的选择订约第三方厂商开发更多的游戏和应用,可以很容易被整合与媒体老板的手机游戏平台,为快速适应市场的扩张, " matsg ?路解释说。


虽然把重点放在让他的客户的自由和独立, matsg ?路说: "更大规模,更确立游戏运营商势必经验的优势,让网络成员服务作为跳板,成立一个独立的操作" 。