
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 16:55:29
To me: To clarify all the situations in this family is more important than anything else.
To arrange a fair, reasonable, proper way to handle this family business is more important
than keep your hands on your parents life time savings.
Whether you have a meaningful philosophy of your life is more important than greediness.
If we want a happy ending of this round of family business, somebody has to stop
manipulating, controlling, get rid of selfish, greediness show more understanding, love,

对我来说:在这个家庭中,澄清所有的情况比什么都重要。 如果想为自己的父母生命节省更多时间的话,就要安排家族生意公平合理,恰当地处理好这些事情。是否具有一个有意义的生命哲学尤为重要,而不能有贪欲。如果我们希望这一轮的家族生意有一个大团圆结局,有人就需要出来制止操纵控制,摆脱自私贪念,表现出更多的理解、爱和公平。