问路 四人英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 07:23:42
演讲用的 急用!~~~~~~!

Lucy:Pardon me,do you know this city well?
Tom: What's the problem?
Lucy; Could you tell me where the American Embassy is,please?
Tom: It's on the other side of town.
Lucy: That's no good.Maybe you can help?
Tom: I will help you out if I can.
Lucy: I got separated from my tour group.
Tom: You got separated from your tour group?
Lucy: Yes! What am I going to do?
Tom: It's not going to be easy to find them.
Lucy: I know!Who knows where they are?
Tom: Do you remember what place you were visiting?
Lucy: We were going to the zoo and the National Museum.
Tom: Where was the tour group going?
Lucy: I'm not sure where they were heading.
Tom: Do you have the tour operater's phone number?
Lucy: No,I left it in my room.
Tom: Where is your hotel?
Lucy: I'm staying at Regency Hotel.

Hugh directs Emma to a police station ??

??Emma:Excuse me