
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 07:21:57
Table tennis is a young sport. It is much younger than lawn tennis. People did not begin to play a game like table tennis until about 1880 A.D. They called the game“indoor tennis". This game was very simple. Players, who were often soldiers, used anything they could find as bats and balls. They put books across the middle of the table as a net.
A few years later in England, people who played the game called it” whiff whaff “or" gossima". Then in the USA, the Parker Brothers made and sold an indoor tennis kit with a small ball, a net and bats. However, it wasn't until 10 years later that people began to play with balls like those we use today. The first person to do so was an Englishman, James Gibb. He called the game "ping pong", a name that is often used today.
In 1902 another Englishman, E.C. Goode, put rubber on the back of the bats. This made it possible to put spin on the ball when it was hit.
The first World Table Tennis C

几年后,在英格兰参加这种运动的人叫它为“whiff whaff'或者'gossima'。随后在美国,the parker brothers开始生产并销售这种“室内网球”需要的用具,包括一对球拍、一个球和一个网。然而,直到十年后,人们才开始用类似今天我们用的这种现代乒乓球。第一个用现代乒乓球的是一个英国人,James Gibb。他称这种运动为“乒乓”,这就是我们现在一直沿用的名字。

乒乓球是一项很年轻的运动,他比草地上的网球要年轻得多。直到公元1880年,才出现类似于乒乓球队运动,他们叫他室内网球这种游戏非常简单,玩家 通常是军人,他们用能找到的任何东西当作球和球拍,把书本放在桌子中间当作网,几年过后,在英格兰,玩这游戏的人称之为 “喂噗喔噗”或“戈西玛”,后来在美国,帕克兄弟制作并贩卖室内网球的成套装备——一个小球,一个网带和拍子。 然而,直到十年以后人们才打类似于我们今天所用的球。第一个这样做的人是个名叫詹姆斯基布,他称这游戏为“乒乓”,这个名字一直沿用到今天。
1902年,另一个英国人E C 古德把橡胶粘到拍子背面,这使得击打球的时候能给球带来旋转。第一届世界乒乓球锦标赛于1921年在英国举行,很多年冠军都是欧洲人。到1953年,亚洲选手在这项运动中变得强势,他们的握拍方式很特变,现在所有的好手都这样握拍。