
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 10:26:35
disabilities severe enough to prevent a person living a happy and normal life. This can affect a person’s life a lot or very little. One thing is sure and it is our understanding, reaction and response to the pers This type of disability usually only affects certain limited areas of development, rarely are learning on with learning difficulties that seriously affects that person. Being patient, trying to understand and treating the person with respect greatly reduces their frustration (挫折) and anxiety, helps them relax and feel less tense but most important of all gives them time to think without pressure or fear of failure.
This article is not designed to tell you all about learning difficulties. It is merely to help you understand and relate with confidence to the learning disabled which will help them to better cope with their disability.


残疾可以另人失去快乐正常的生活。它对一个人一生的影响可能会很大也可能会很小。(后面一句话有问题。)这种残疾一般只会影响局部的发展,(rarely are learning on with learning difficulties that seriously affects that person 也有问题) 耐心,理解,和尊敬能在很大程度上减轻他们的挫折感和焦虑不安,能帮助他们放松并舒缓精神,不过最重要的是,能给他们时间不害怕,没有压力,没有失败感的去思考。
