翻译这片Plain White T’s的介绍

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 00:35:51
Plain White T’s的故事始于十年前,一个芝加哥郊区的少年Tom Higgenson来到了当地一家著名的摇滚俱乐部the Metro,并在舞台上看到了自己的未来。回到家以后,Tom立刻找来纸笔和吉他在一台简陋的四轨录音机上开始向梦想迈出第一步。Tom把自己的样带递到了90年代混出名气的Loud Lucy乐队的主唱Christian Lane的手里,Christian听过样带以后回复Tom说:“如果你带着吉他把自己锁在房间里一整年,你一定会成功。”尽管这支叫做Loud Lucy的乐队在今天远比不上Plain White T’s,这句话也大大鼓舞了当年的Tom。
在高中里,Tom和学校里其他的摇滚小子们组了一支又一支不同的流行和摇滚乐队。然而,加入一支名叫Harvey’s Daughter的乐队才真正改变了Tom的未来。在这支乐队里,Tom认识了贝斯手Harvey’s Daughter。两人一拍即合,随即双双离队另组新队。Tom开始担任主唱,并且开始写歌。好友Dave Tirio作为鼓手加入进来。1997年秋天,流行朋克乐队Plain White T’s正式成立。乐队开始在芝加哥当地不断演出,其中就包括当初的Metro俱乐部。1999年夏天,Tom遇上了一场车祸,肾和肺都严重受伤,差点丢掉了性命。大难不死的Tom对生活有了新的领悟,这也体现在了他的创作上,乐队由于这场车祸展现出了全新的面貌。
2005年年初,乐队在经历了人员变动和大规模巡演后推出了新专辑《All That We Needed》。在这张专辑里,出现了乐队成绩最好的一首单曲《Hey There Delilah》,这首单曲在2007年夏天也终于登上Billboard Hot 100单曲榜的冠军位置,成为Plain White T’s的第一支冠军单曲。

The Plain White T's story begins in ten years ago, Chicago suburb's youth Tom Higgenson arrived at local famous rock and roll club the Metro, and will see own future in the stage. After getting the home, Tom looks for the written records and the guitar immediately starts on a crude four axle tape recorder to the dream to step out the first step. Tom handed over own type belt the 90s to mix the fame Loud the Lucy orchestra to initiate Christian Lane in the hand, Christian will listen to the type belt later to reply Tom saying:“if you bring the guitar to lock yourself in the room one all year, you certainly will succeed.”Although this is called Loud Lucy the orchestra not to compare Plain White T's far in today, these words greatly have also inspired same year's Tom. in high school, in Tom and school other rock and roll boys group another different popular and rock and roll orchestra. However, will join Harvey's Daughter the orchestra only then truly to change the