
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 01:15:38
刘大哥讲的话理太偏 谁说女子享清闲 男子打仗到边关 女子纺织在家园 白天去种地 夜晚来纺棉 不分昼夜辛勤把活干 将士们才能有这吃和穿 你要不相信哪 请往这身上看 咱们的鞋和袜 还有衣和衫 这千针万线都是她们连哪

Liu brother said it is too partial justification Who woman enjoy lull man to the border to fight woman in the home textile night to daytime to farm cotton spinning hard day and night to stem the officers and men who can live there is to eat and wear what you please to either believe Let's look at this on the shoes and socks and a shirt which also vests 1000 needle million lines even where they are


如果用河南话说出来还行,用拼音翻译出河南话挺不容易 身边就没找出一个河南人来吗?